
Meeting with Rongelap People - April, 1974

The following is an account of the meeting on Rongelap Island on
April 4, 1974 on the day of our departure following the examinations.
Our survey at Rongelap turned out successfully.
However, on our arrival
there was considerable discontent among the people.
There had been a
shortage of food for some time and the territorial ships that had come
to the island had insufficient food to give to the people.
The following
meeting shows some of this discontent and reflects misunderstandings that
still exist among some of the people concerning the medical examinations
that we carry out.
The Rongelap Survivors Fallout Association presented
to me a list of questions and requests to be discussed at this meeting.

These questions have been translated into English by Mr. Robert Harrison
& peace corp man on the island,
The context of the questions prompted the
Marshallese medical practitioner who was with us to suggest that there had
been some outside influence involved,
The following is a summary of my remarks to the people. "Friends of
This morning I will try to answer some of the questions and
requests that have been presented to our medical team by the Rongelap
Fallout Survivors Association,
I will attempt to answer some of the


but others are outside our province and will be submitted to

other authorities for action.
I assure you we will do everything possible
to get these requests presented before these authorities at the earliest
[ feel that many of your questions have stemmed from lack of


I was particularly disappointed to see

the statement that

the people did not trust the results of our reports.
1 have known you for
some 20 years and feel that you have always been my close friends and that
you have trusted us.
We have greatly regretted tne injuries thai tave vec
.done to you by the fallout, and have wanted to help you in every way possible.
1 was With Lekoj when he was sick and was very sad when he died,
I felt as
though IT had lost a brother or a son,
Doctors on our medical team are
honorable men and highly esteemed.
They have helped to write these reports.
This includes the Trust Territory medical personnel, such as Dr. John Taman,
Dr. Ezra Riklon, Trigar, Ishoda, and others.
I am willing to forgive you
for doubting our reports since I know that many of you have not

read these

reports and even if you have, the medical language would be difficult for
you to understand,

In September of 1972 there were four medical observers who accompanied
our temnfor the survey.
These included Drs. Kumatori and Izaki of Japan,

Pochin from England, who is with the World Health Organization, Dr.

from the National Health Service.
The doctors read all of our medical
reports carefully and took part in the examinations.
They each made
separate reports to the Congress of Micronesia.
Senator Borja and

Congressman Balos who were with us here on the island last year told


you about the results of these observers reports and that the surveys were
good for the people.
They requested that you continue to cooperate

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