


It is gratifying that the levels are below those previously reported.
Assuming that the average Bikini person spends 85% of their time in the
village and 15% in the interior area the whole body dose would be about the
same as the average U. S, citizen receives from natural background, the background level being higher in the United States than on Bikini.
A more definitive
gamma survey with thermoluminescent dosimeters will be made at Bikini on the

next survey,

The LCU.

The newly acquired LCU immensely improved the survey procedures

and living conditions.
The ship was clean and freshly painted (quite a contrast
to the previous cargo ships used) and the air-conditioned sleeping trailer,
clean galley with wholesome foods served and canvas covered afterdeck for cating

and tounging greatly improved living conditions even though crowded.
The vessel
was slow.
For instance, only an average of 4.8 knots were made between Kwajalein
and Utirik (about 240 miles) hitting into the winds and waves.

Beaching the

vessel was a distinct advantage allowing easy access for people coming aboard
for whole body counts and for moving equipment back and forth.
On my return
from the islands, I attended a meeting held at the University of Hawaii, Marine
Biology Laboratory, at Coconut Island.
LCU alterations for improved specialized
operations and scheduling of the vessel were discussed,
It is obvious that from
the number of people who want to use the vessel that supervised prior scheduling
of the vessel will be necessary.

Olah an sees oe

Robert A, Conard, M.


Select target paragraph3