eine:eres co eg CAN , hee ge eee:Beg an ee “UNCLASSIFIED enero SUBJECT; 5. presented, Survey of Rongelap and Utirik Atolis. All members of the survey party agree cn thy recemenditions COR E. P. CHQUATVE, Project Officer of Projoct 4.1 sas not amecber of the survey party, but he was consulted soveral tines. dis views were considered by the surveypartt7. ALL deta from the testing of soil, water and food itens will Rot be available and evaluated for ecme weeks, 6. Pinzlly, the survey party emphasizes the inpsertance of Fub= licizing tha tenporiry nature of the relocation, It is possible thet the natives will de content te Psmiin at Kwajalein Atall after they livee there a year, under sucsidy of the U.S. Gevermment, Ur, Neas, District Administrator of TEPP. CIS | 2% Majurc, stated at 2 conference at Xw2ajalein om 27 april i984 that it the policy of TERPACLS to discouregs coneen= traticn of Varshallese netives at a f3w commercially faverztle * ocxticns and to disccsursge too racid acquisitidn of wealth by snall graips of matives, This policy cmfirns the recammendstion nate abcve that the sutsicy provided the natives while at Kwajalein be held to the essen- tisl sinizus, 0 4 Incls: 1. 2, 3. 4. Composition of Survey Party. Nerrative Account of Activities of Survey Party. Radiclogiesl Surveys of Rongelap and Utirik VWrmn TL ayn TRS oa? : Vegavs, DaVIC 0. BYARS, JR. Colonsl, U. S. array Senior Mexber ° . Atolls, Comstruction Required to Establisn Tesporary Village for 2ongelap Natives, § UNCLASSIFIED L ) [—- e @ e