EL IMDM! 2EMARNS: At the plannins conference at Kwajalein cn

20 april

radiation levels at ues rix sight allow 2n early return of
it wes

the natives,

Accordingly, it was decided to mike a field study of food and

water as well ag an extern) radfation survey based on the pattern exaleyed
at Rongalap,
2, METHODS: Fxternal gums dose rotes were aeasurod with AN/POR=39 and
MX-5survey instruments, These inetrum@ts gave readings in geod agreement
with each other,

Aver2ge readings integrates over the exposure tine close i

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checked dosineter readings,



Prior to this survey, ne standard positions vere

established a this isiznd, a standard positian was established om April 23
at 1100 hours. The reading at this point and three feet adove the ground «25

3.0 mr/br.

An average reading in the _vegotated area cf the island was 2,3 =r/h

The readings ateut the duildings where



gravel is prevalent averaged atcut 2,2

This data with the ma2suromentsenade on 4 and LL March fit a deary

Dpz2cr7t.42 p/day (t in days alter 1 Magch)

This forml2 indicates that a level of 0.3 r/weak would be meached in 7§

to & days after 1 March, 15-20 May). an integretion of the expected external
dosage froa l June 1954 to 1 Jun 1955 gives a 3.4 r exposure. This c2n be

campared with the 3.9 r extemal gars per year Level estadlfshed cy the
ataaic Enercy Ccomission 1s a linit for off-site pomilatiaons, The incegrsated
external ga=m2 dosage over the year beginning 1 June caild ce sanewhat,

ie gtmificnvy, higher if the decay rete leveled aff to the conventional



4, DISTRISVTICN Ce CONTAMDIATICN: The contanination was fairly uniforcly
distributed cre: the island, The highest reading ost of doors at the 3 fset
elevation wes 3.3 mar/fhr and the lowest was 2.0 mr/hr, There was sone
reducticn in redings andoors , and this reduction was substentially lzirger,

60 percent in a large building like the church, 2s cenpered with 2 smell

building like a typical dwelling. Gravel areas (2,2 ar/hr) give lower
readings than the grassy arers (2.8 mr/hr),

The sleeping sats showed gamma readings (1.C - 1,2 ar/hr) about mir
the levels outdoors (2.2 - 2.4 ar/hr) cut bet2 plus gaeza levels were
somewhat higher (3.5 ar/nr) thin the cutdoor game readings. Contanin

of the thatched roofs was acted,

It wes necessary to place the instruz

elese to (less thon 3 feet) and perpendiculir to the reof surZice te

ccosistently detect this effect with gasm: measurecants. The MC-§ pickad
up this increzse in ccstaminatican more consistently when detecring both
beta and gasms3,


Select target paragraph3