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Following the general conference at Kwajclein on

20 April, there wos an infsrzal conference tetween resresentitives of the
Survey Teas and Or, Jorn reghers Mr, Merrglt Bisentus, anc COR Cronmxite and
other members of Project 4.2, on the probdban of sanaling the Rongelan fed
and water supal;; and the soil “Mr; J. Toftn (wershall District antnropclorist

supplicd a detailed list of food materfals, with the relztive Snportance of

each indicated,

After considerzble discussien

of sampling ne$nods, St


rain reascns?

Unlesa the ractaticr dese rate

on Rongelap should be fcund to be far

less than that expected from corior surrevs, there would be no possibility of
returning the natives +o their


hezes for many menths,


Current findings an contamination of the {ced sursly, although ef

considerable inherent value, would ce of little usa in predicting PB. state
of the food supoly at some distant future date when the people night retum,
It was therefore decided thet the emchasis in the Asng2izg

survey would

te on external radiiaticn neasurenents ani cn deccnteminaticn oreblens; thet
althcush food, water and 2arth ss22p- 2s would be collected as cernitted ty

other work, no special effort would de made to sbtrin analyses of these
Samples as ’s basis for any Senciuaiens of th. report. at this time the

Services of Lt, Willisn Chapman, USI, were ovferad by Project 4.1 fcr the
callecticn of {sed and scil sanples for interdsted agencies,

2, MSTECCS: Geena radizstion dose rat eScxent where ¢therwise specified,
were rade with one or nore AN/POR-39
“nstruments 2¢ about tnree Feet
abeve ground level,

Three such instruments

vere taken =m the gxpeciticn,

and they gave reedings in gocd agreement with me ancther, where contact
readings are specified, the tctrts= of the instmiment «zs pleased in contact
with tre surface in question,

The results of the anslysis of the food are only quzlitative,


technique used in deterzining tho radicactiva eamtant sf the vardsus Dood

stuffs “would de sensitive wairly 29 mareece| somntazination,
of beta activity was nit oyeaneeed


Self absorcticn

reasurcments using nore

sensitive techniques will te made by NROL on N¥iec, The technique used
should detect contaninesicn livals io acorcximnately 2¢ CFM (LX 10-5 uc)

cn the surface | of sazples, however.

The specifics activity of the water semrles wes 26tained oy pyarersiang
to crumess sme aillilicer of aach of the samples in a gliss ccua an
determining the activity in the resulting sacple using 2 =! “4
scaler, Siamtn-2lC -2s used 25 the atandar? +
per ailliiiter, The specifics azvivity of the
indicate vaiues thas ar2 roughly 1C,CfO +

10-7 uc/ai beva activity established oy t



be pestponed for the follcwing


appezred to be generally agreed trat decisiens on this canplex orsblea aignt

1 MET Rae katPEE OE ye everey
CSW ee SIT Nk wee epee


Select target paragraph3