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Task Unit 6 (TU-6) wishes to acknowledge the cooperation and support
of the following organizations. Their combined efforts were largely responsible for the success of the radiological safety operations during Operation
Health Division, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL)
J-Division, LASL

T-Division, LASL
Supply and Property Department, LASL
Albuquerque Operations Office, Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
Holmes and Narver, Inc. (H&N), Los Angeles, Calif.
Office of the Chief Chemical Officer, Washington, D. C.
U. S. Army First Radiological Safety Support Unit, Chemical
Corps Training Command, Ft. McClellan, Ala. (First RSSU)
International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), Albuquerque,
New Mexico, and Birmingham, Ala.

In addition, the following individuals are to be credited with making

significant contributions that materially assisted TU-6 during all phases of

the operation:

Thomas L. Shipman, Health Division, LASL

Dunean Curry, Jr., J-Division, LASL

William R. Kennedy, Health Division, LASL

Leo G. Chelius, Health Division, LASL

Dean D. Meyer, Health Division, LASL
William E. Nolan, Health Physics Group, University of California
Radiation Laboratory (UCRL)
Major Fred E. Rosell, Jr., U. S. Army
Simon Shlaer, Health Division, LASL

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