Chapter 3



Facilities and Services

Operations similar to those at Eniwetak were carried out at Bikini.
Control points were established as required, primary points being the marine
landing and the helicopter pad. In addition, for afloat operations, a Rad-Safe
Center was established aboard the USS Boxer, This center included plotting
and briefing facilities, a personnel decontamination station, and emergency
supplies, primarily instruments. These facilities were never used since the

camp at Enyu was always re-usable. In addition to the facilities aboard the
Boxer, an H&N barge was fitted out with a complete Rad-Safe Center, in-

cluding laundry equipment. This barge was to be used only in the event that
afloat operations were required. Only the laundry equipment was used during
the Bikini phase; all rad-safe clothing was laundered aboard the barge. The

barge was moved to Eniwetok for the Quince and Fig events in order that

the laundry could be utilized.
3.1.1—Personnel decontamination facilities, which were a duplicate of

those on Eniwetok, were established ‘on Enyu adjacent to the Rad-Safe Building.

Approximately 1,200 people were processed through the facility.
3.1.2—The equipment decontamination station, also a duplicate of Eniwe-

tok facilities, was located adjacent to the Rad-Safe Building.

One hundred

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and five vehicles and pieces of heavy construction equipment were decontaminated as well as numerous pieces of project and H&N equipment. Four aircraft required decontamination.
3.1.3—As at Eniwetok, the Operations Section of the Rad-Safe Center
was responsible for all surveys. In general, these surveys were conducted
by helicopter. Ground surveys by vehicle were carried out when required.
Regular surveys were conducted on a schedule similar to that at Eniwetok.
On shots that required evacuation of the atoll, the pre-entry aerial surveys




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