Chapter 2



Facilities and Services

In support of the operations at Eniwetok Atoll, check points controlli
entry and exit from contaminated areas were established under the directi
of the Operation Section of the Rad-Safe Center as required. Main check
points utilized at all times were located at the air dispatcher's office and
' the marine landing. As the situation demanded, other check points were e

tablished at the personnel pier and on islands in the atoll other than Parr

All persons entering or returning from a radex area were processed throu
these check points. An area was considered a full radex area if the con-

tamination exceeded 100 mr/hr and full protective clothing was required fc
entry into it. Limited radex areas were established as necessary where t
contamination was in excess of 10 mr/hr but less than 100 mr/hr. In the
areas the clothing requirements were dictated by the situation and the job
be performed.

In those cases in which alpha contamination presented a pr

lem, no hard and fast rule concerning full radex areas was established. C
erally speaking, a contamination level of 1,000 counts per minute on the ;
Eberline PAC 3G alpha meter indicated that full protective clothing should |

used; however, the type of work to be done in the contaminated area was 0

considerable importance in establishing clothing requirements.
2.1.1—Personnel decontamination facilities were located across the stl
from the Rad-Safe Building, as they were during Operation Redwing. The
facilities consisted of clean and "hot" change areas and showers. A total ¢
approximately 6,200 individuals were processed through the Eniwetok check
points from 1 May to 20 August 1958. Of these, 860 were processed throw
the personnel decontamination station. Laundry services necessary to mai

tain the protective clothing were provided by H&N under the direction of,th!
Supply Section of the Rad-Safe Center.





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