to carflict with the provision of paragraph 1 >. (7)

of the sane enclosure. Second, the inference could
be drawn from paragraph 1 of Aprendix "5" to Enclosure

*H" that there is in fact no 4ray shipping available to
support this cooperative venture, except by substitution.

If this inference is correct, it 1s suggested that the

use of other shipping might be considered in the interest

of over~all seonony to the Government.

fhe omaission notes that Enclosure *E" provides

that the Atomic Energy Commission will be charged for over-

seas pay of military personnel resulting from this project.
Ciscussions with fisesl personnel of the military estab-

lishment have indicated that it would be difficult and

costly to separate thuse charges from the pay accounta cf

such personnel. in the interest of over-ali Covernment
aconomy, it therefore sppears desirable to alter this

aith reference to the security provisions in

Enclosure *c", arrangesents have gone forward petween the
security orgenizations of the Comsission and of the Task
Force, and it is understood that these arrangesents will
be incorporated in the sore detalled slansa of the Task
Force Commander.

fhe vomnaiasion assumes that the functions in

paragraphs 6 and 7 of Enclosure "C*, with reference to

information for publie release, will be coordinated in
Kashington and all public releases will be cleared jcintly
between the Secretary of Defense ani the Atomic Energy
f. . With reference to paragraph 6 of the basic paper
and paragraph 5 of Enclosure "C*, the commission takes note
that the downgrading of any atomic energy "restricted data”
will be accomplished only by the atomic Energy Comission
and is in complete agreeaent that intelligent downgrading

cf information from time to time will be essential to the
success of the operation. Honevar, it ia pointed out that
at present the date and place of the test are beyond the

authority of either the “oint chielrs of Staff or the Atomic

Lnergy ‘ommission to downgrade.


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Select target paragraph3