Trip report


(Title: Blood Disease Feared For Bomb Victims). This is a situation

that may have serious consequences and will be dealt with in a
separate memo,

Several patients were brought from Rongelap to Ebeye for further
treatment. The crew and the staff took the inconvenience with no
objections, and the cook in particular took the added workload
in stride and went out of his way to make sure that all were fed.
I am grateful to the ship's master, and to our Global coordinator
that we managed to provide this service for the people. The patients
were accepted as passengers on the plane that carried us back to
Kwajalein, and transferred to Ebeye on the 1430 ferry.

9/29, 1700: Departed Rongelap for Bikini.
9/30, about O800: Arrived at Bikini and beached ship.
The missions at Bikini were completed
10/2 0700: ship moved from Bikini io.Bat, Equipment was transferred
to airstrip and loaded on plane assisted by the TT frontloader.


1130: Departed Eniu on C-54 airplane.


1300: Arrived Kwajalein.

The trip was plessed by fair weather and favorabhe winds.
The only equipment failure of consequence was that the auxiliary
generator failed to operate during a few hours when the ship's generator
had to be shut down. The failure did not affect the work in any way; it
happened during the night, and the cold storage areas maintained
acceptable temperatures,

Select target paragraph3