Trip report


The missions on Wotje were completed. Tetails will be reported directly
to BNL, Medical Dept.

9/20, at dawn: Arrived Ailuk Atoll. Anchored inside pass and used
Boston whaler for transport to the islands of interest.

The missions were completed about 1630.

9/20, 1700: Departed Ailuk for Utirik.
9/21, at dawn, Arrived Utirik Atoll. Anchored off main island about



The missions on Utirik could not be completed due to a decisison
of the people not to cooperate. However, I did see the patients
on active treatment and those under observation for thypoid
nodules (unexposed people). These cases were all discussed with

dr. Kisino and the Health aide, Lawor, who is replacing
Joata for about 6 months. Sufficient medication for 9 months
or more was given to the health aide, and I promised to supply hin
with more through TT Health Services should we not visit the

isind in March 1977.
The environmental sampling program was completed as planned.
A long village meeting on the grievances expressed in their letter

of July, 9., 1976 will be covered in a special memo.

9/23, about 0900: Departed Utirik for Rongelap.
The wind shifted to NE shortly after our departure and
the passage was swift anf pleasant.

9/245 1400: Arrived Rongelap and beached the ship.
The missions on Rngelap were completed except for some chest x-ray
examinations; due to equipment failure.
The people of Rongelap were shaken by a newspaper article




published in The Micronesin Independent in Majuro August, 27,1976:

Select target paragraph3