y be

py the leaves of plants and thus circumvent fixation on the soll.

r to

Residual contamination from fallout a year or more old would have

an insignificant effect on rate of decline during the first 150

days if the total contamination from each detonation were of the


game order of magnitude or the first less than the second.


was the case following the Nectar test at Belle Island, which had
residual contamination from the Mike test (1.5 years previous to

After approximately 150 days following fallout,

the rate of

decline becomesless than the rate of decay of mixed fission

products, reflecting the

relative concentration by the lsiand

organisms of the long-lived isotopes cs?37 ana sr?°.

Other iso-

topes, both fission products and neutron induced products, are


involved, but cs137 ana sr?° with their daughters account for 80
per cent or more of the total activity in land organisms two years

following the Nectar test.

This is true even though these isotopes

together contribute only 18 per cent of the total activity from
mixed fission products at that time.

On a basis of fission ylelds,

Cst37 and gr 70 would contribute no more than 35 per cent of the


total activity even if all of the activity at Belle Island were

from the Mike test.

Cett4 activity is low (1% in crabs) in the

island organisms because of its low rate of uptake by land plants
from soil.“*

On the other hand,

in marine organisms radiocerium

does enter into the food chain in significant amounts (26%--71%

of the total B-activity) 2°76
It therefore appears that in so far as the long-lived radioactive fission products strontium,

cesium and cerium are concerned



Select target paragraph3