
The early high levels may be

the same rate until the 200th day.

due to contamination of the surface of the gills and possibly tc
excretion of salts through the gills.

Prom the tenth day on,

the pettern of decline of the gill is the same as that of muscle
The activity level was generally higher in the gill than in the
muscle by less than a factor of two on 4 wet weight basis.
No chemical analyses of gill tissue were made.


During the first 150 days following a nuclear detonation
the rate of decline of radioactivity in organisms on atoll islands may be considered to approximate the rate of decay of
mixed fission products.

This conclusion is supported further by

data from collections at Rongelap Atoll in 1954.


Errors in

the estimate of future levels based on this approximetion would
tend toward the prediction of higher levels than would actually
be attained in the first 150 days.

The wide spectrum of avail-

able radionuclides present in the early period following a detonation may be available to individual organisms in extremely
minute amounts;

consequently, differences in the rate of decline

reflecting selectivity by an organism are masked, since various
combinations of the short lived nuclides could result in an
approximation of mixed fission products decay.

The availability

of a wide spectrum of radionuclides during the first few


might be due not only to the presence of these nuclides, but
also to the fact that they could potentially be absorbed directly


Select target paragraph3