In order to investigate the potential acceptance of a calibration method, alargeseries

of instruments has been set up in Oak Ridge.
Most of the methods of doing thyroid uptake measurements can now be duplicated in

Oak Ridge, and the methods of intercalibra-

tion can be tested on a fixed-geometry training table. This allows for the substitution of
various manikins and standardsin a fixed geo-

metry with three representative types of ins-

trumentation. A series of conferences has
been held so that those who have participa-

ted in the survey can calibrate their own instrumentation.
To assit in the calibration problem a
series of calibration kits has been desig-

ned. The calibration kits contain the long-

life mock-iodine; and when used in con-

junction with a carefully designed phantom,
the spectrum emitted by the calibration elements will be within the range of the spectra emitted by the necks of patients. Two
simulated thyroid glands are included, one
at 5 and one at 50 microcuries. Five mocktesttubes with activities ranging from 50 to
0.01 microcuries and 5 simulated capsules

with activities ranging from 10 to 0.001
microcuries are included. Thus, it is possible
to intercalibrate almost all kinds of instrumentation from highly sensitive well-scintillation counters to very insensitive thin-walled


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Vol. VIT, N? 3-4











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F G. 8. The first order difference spectra

standards compared.

of various

tient is used. This patient cannot be standardized in any way; however, a selection of

patients can afford a reasonable kind of stan-

dardization. The kinds of patient in which
the newly divised standard technique is valid
are only those in which the thyroid gland
is in its usual anatomical position and in

which the thyroid gland is of reasonablesize.

The words “usual” and “reasonable” are used

in order to cut out of consideration sublin-

gual thyroid tissue, substernal thyroid glands,

or metastases in the range of “vision” of the
detector. The word “usual size” is defined as
follows: Any thyroid gland that can be com-

pletely hidden by a 4” by 4” square thyroid
eclipse shield is considered to be of usualsize.

Geiger-Muller tube external counters. (Nar-

row-window spectrometers are always an exception when mock-iodine is used.)
Over a two-year period Dr. Hirotake Kakehi, from Chiba University, Tokyo, Japan,
used nineteen different kinds of thyroid uptake measuring equipment in Oak Ridge to
investigate the problems of thyroid uptake

measurement. The results of this very extensive investigation showed that there were a
number of major sources of error that were

always present in every kind of thyroid uptake measurement. Figure 9 shows a tem-

plate that was devised to illustrate almost

all of the methods of doing thyroid uptake.

In every thyroid uptake measurement a pa-


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Fic. 9. Template for investigating methods of doing thy
roid uptake and the individual sources of error contained
therein, Reading from left to right on the upper row are

the patient, the “B’’-filter, the “A’’—-filter, the collimator,

detector, and the scaler. Any method of standardization
must include statements on hall of these individual pieces of a calibration method.

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