Acta Radiolégica



curacy, if the AB formula and a properly
designed phantom are used. It is felt that
this +5 percentage points of accuracy in the
thyroid uptake measurementis sufficient for
all clinical conditions. A standardized technique is therefore recommended for all routine thyroid uptake measurements. This standardized technique is the measurement of
thyroid uptake with the AB formula system
and a standard phantom at a distance of 10
inches. With any instrumentation it is pos-

sible to measure thyroid uptake within = 5

percentage points of the correct figure in a
patient with any thyroid uptake and with
any body background Two restrictions are
put on this statement: the thyroid must be

eclipsed by a 4” by 4” “B-filter” and must
be in a known position.
It should be noted here that the calibra-

tion program is so far concerned only with

the physical measurements. When the art of
measuring the radioiodine actiyity in the thyroid gland has progressed to the point where

physicians all over the world are talking the
same physical language, then it will be necessary to extend the investigations to the
much more difficult problem of the biological sources of error. Eventually, there will
have to be considered the more serious problem of the clinical interpretation of thyroid
uptake measurements.

This paper is a report on the survey and
the extension of the work carried out by

the Thyroid Radioiodine Uptake Calibration
Committee of the Oak Ridge Institute of

Nuclear Studies toward a method of cali-

The variation in thyroid uptake measurements among laboratories is significant be-

cause of the use of different combination
of standards, instruments, distances, techni-

ques and formulas.

It was felt that a clinical intercalibration


procedure adaptableto all the various techniques in use was necessary.

The program of the Committee presented
three phases:
1) Determination of the variation in thy-

roid radioiodine uptake measurement.
2) Determination of why there was a variation, of what factors influenced the

measurements and of whether it 1s
possible to set up an intercalibration
program that could be fairly universally followed and would be acceptable to most workers in the field.
3) To initiate an intercalibration program
for the Radioiodine Uptake Measurement.

Se presenta un informe de la revisién y
extension del trabajo realizado por la Comision del Instituto de Estudios Nucleares de
Oak Ridge para la Medicién de la Captacion Tirdidea del Yodo Radioactivo.
La variacién existente entre las medidas
obtenidas por diferentes laboratorios es notable, debido al empleo de distinta combinacion de ‘standards’, instrumentos, distancias,

técnicas y formulas.
Se sintid la necesidad de hallar un procedimiento clinico de calibracién adaptable a
todas las técnicas en uso.
El programa de la Comisidn tenia tres
1) Determinacién de la variacién en la

medicién de la captacién tirdidea del
yodo radioactivo.

2) Determinacidn de las causas de la va-

riacion, qué factores influenciaban estas mediciones y la posibilidad de establecer un programa decalibracién que
pueda ser aplicado lo mas universalmente posible y que sea aceptable para
la mayoria de los que trabajan en este

Select target paragraph3