Nuclear Medicine Technology and Other Health Applications
Extension and Improvement of Radiographic and Isotopic

Project Title:


Diagnostic Techniques

Expected Resules in FY 1974:



In addition to work under the NIH contract investigating techniques

for mammography, spectral measurements of radiographic tubes will be performed
and the use of critical absorption filters for mammography and iodinated

contrast agents will be studied in order to evaluate possible reduction in

dose and increase in contrast,

Studies in collaboration with the Chemistry Department will


iodine 123, carbon 11 and F-18 fluorinated amino acids,
Thyroid imaging
with orally administer [-123 will be evaluated using a smaller intravenously
administered dose with dynamic studies of rate of immediate uptake of iodine

utilizing a computer system,
The ocular study with labeled 4-[3-dimethylaminopropylamino !-7-iodoquinoline(DMQ) will be continued in collaboration
with Dr. Samuel Packer and extended to human patiencs.,
Comparativyé studies
using ultrasound and P-32 should be carried out,
Other iodinated agents
should be evaluated, chiefly I-123 hippuran for renography, utilizing the
MED II computer for analysis.
Rose Bengal should also be useful for biliary

Dopamine, labeled with C-1l, has been produced in carrier free form,
The degree to which it localizes in the adrenals is highly dependent on the
specific activity and chat of the carrier free material is from five to seven
times better than our previous best material (40-50 mCi/mg).

further quantitation in dogs, attempts will be made to visualize the human



If successful, an evaluation of hypertensive patients would be

There are also possibilities of C-11 dopamine localizing in

specific areas of the brain,

particularly in combination with the admini-

stration of monoamine oxidase inhibitors,

Studies are to be performed first

on mice, then on dogs, with the aim of eventual studies of parients with
Other biogenic amines including norepinephrine and epinephrine
will be studied.
An eventual goal is the labeling of L-dopa with C-1l1l and

obtaining information concerning its disposition and metabolism in Parkinson's



F-18 labeled fluorotryptophan has been evaluated in animals and appears
to hold promise for imaging of the pancreas,
As soon as methods for assuring
sterile and pyrogen free materials have been developed, application to human

disease is envisaged.

J collaboration with the Instrumentation Division work will continue

mamission scanning apparatus, the positron camera, and semiconductors,
An alfgption edge transmission scanning apparatus, developed and tested
using phantoms and animals, appears to be useful for plotting and quantifying
distribution of iodine in vivo in the thyroid or in other areas such as the
biliary or urinary tracts after injection of iodinated contrasc agents.
Application to patients will be started,
All patients referred for thyroid
work-up will


transmission scans,

studied with injection of todipamide.

Problems of

(See Continuation Sheet)



biliary tract will


Further instrumentation development

Select target paragraph3