Nuclear Medicine Technology and Other Health Applications
Extension and


Project Title: Diagnostic Techniques


Technical Progress

in FY 1973:

of Radiographic and




I-123 was compared with Tc-99m for thyroid imaging; the definite
superiority of I-123 was apparent.
Labeled hippuran was also used but

sufficient quantities are not now available for clinical use. A study of
I-123 iodoquin for eye melanomas is in progress in collaboration with Dr.

Packer of St,


Naval Hospital,


BNL’ Chemistry Department and

Instrumentation Division,

Evaluation of carbon-ll labeled dopamine for adrenal scanning has shown

excellent concentration of the compound in the adrenal medulla as compared
to other tissues at two hours.
However, this is impractical because of the

short half-life of C-ll.


Relative concentrations at earlier times are being


Thallium-201 production methods are being worked out on the cyclotron
for use prior to BLIP production of the isotope.
Myocardial localization
has-been determined in mice and rats.
The ability to visualize infarcted

areas in the myocardium is being evaluated in goats following surgical
induction of infarcts by ligating coronary arteries,

In the studies on transmission scanning, the Instrumentation Division
has devised a useful clinical system for imaging iodine distribution in vivo,
With a radiation dose of only a few mrad, it should be possible to image
the iodine naturally found in the thyroid,
Animal studies showed the distribution of Cholografin and Hypaque, iodinated contrast agents in the
biliary system and urinary tract.
Xenon also was used successfully as a
positive pulmonary contrast agent in animal studies,
Use in humans awaits
approval of the Institutional Review Committee of the Hospital of the Medical
Research Center,
A contract with NIH for production of Tc-97m as a radiographic source
for mammography was approved and funded.
The use of critical absorption
edge filters to improve radiographic contrast, possibly resulting in reduced

radiation exposure, is being evaluated.

The simplified helium early closure test of pulmonary function using
helium and a leak detector mass spectrograph was applied to a large number
of normal individuals at all age levels and with varying smoking habits.
apparatus developed in collaboration with members of the BNL Department of
Science determines the time of small airway closure, the earliest
on of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
The results are being




The following report of progress during the past year is repeated in

(See Continuation Sheet)



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