Nuclear Medicine Tecnnology and Other Health Applications
Extension and

Project Title:



Improvement of Radiographic and

Diagnostic Techniques




derivatives will be studied for localization of ocular and,

probably, other

The gonadal radiation dose to the population at large from radioisotopic

procedures used in Nuclear Medicine today, though still acceptably small,
has increased greatly over the past ten years,
If the trend continues, the
dose incurred by the population at large could become significant.
development and use of short-lived radionuclides which can provide the same
or better information at a lower radiation dose is emphasized,
[1-123 is an
When used for thyroid diagnosis, the gonadal dose is 1/100 of that
from I-131,

Thyroid disease

is common in women of child-bearing age.

Studies on application wf I-123 will be extended with its replacement of

I-131l and I[-125 as labels for other radiopharmaceuticals.,
The amino acid,


produces ortho-amino«phenol

\* (Atkins)

type compounds

believed to induce cancer in animal urinary bladders.
In several types of
cancer and in other diseases of man, the literature reports significant
increases in urinary levels of some tryptophan metabolites.
labeled metabolites are used in animals and man to determine the normal
tryptophan metabolic pathway.
The labeled metabolites include anthranilic
acid, kynurenine, hydroxykynurenine, and hydroxyanthranilic acid,
studied include anemias, scleroderma, siderosis, malaria, pellagra, and
various cancers,
These studies will be reported for FY 1974 and 1975 in



Relationship to Other Projects:


Similar investigations involving radiopharmaceuticals and cyclotronproduced nuclides are carried out at many institutions,
However, BNL is in
an exceptional position due to the presence of several high energy accelerators
of unusual capabilities as well as an interdisciplinary cooperative program
including the Medical Department, Chemistry Department, Department of
-Applied Science,and the Instrumentation Division.
Particular expertise

exists here which would be difficult to find in all these fields in any one




Research projects related to the tryptophan studies are detailed

Section 15 of RX-01-03-(e).


hnical Progress in FY 1973:
Technetium-labeled red blood cells were evaluated for splenic imaging

and showed promise for blood pool and vascular imaging.
Tc-99m-DTPA is now
in routine use for renal studies and is being compared to [-131 hippuran for
evaluation in hypertension,

(See Continuation Sheet)



Select target paragraph3