
Project Title:


Exposure to External and Internal Radiation
In Vivo Measurement of Radionuclides in Man; Body Burden and

Kinetic Factors, Compurer Applications

Expected Results in FY 1974:



accumulate Statistically significant data on the K12 strain grown under control


(normal background) and under reduced background radiation condi-

The latter will include the use of K-40 free growth media.

A CRT data terminal will be interfaced with the Sigma 2 to improve the

program editing capabilities.

A multi

input interface and rebuilding of the

monitor is planned for better communication with users,
It is planned to
improve the access to BROOKNET from the EPR keyboard and to provide direct
access to BROOKNET from the whole-body counter.

Expected Results in FY 1975;


The general objectives will remain the same with modifications based
on current findings and development of advanced techniques.
The emphasis
will be on those clinical applications in which the technique of neutron
activation will play the essential role.


Consideration will be given to related experiments with other organisms

to study the role of natural background in producing the normal mutation


It is expected that Drosophila will probably be the highest order

species that can be used because ot the problem of having sufficient numbers
for statistical significance.


Description and Explanation of Major Materials, Equipment and
Subcontract Items:

FY 1975 Capital Equipment:

Specific costs for these studies include replacement of two multichannel
analyzers one at $10,000, and one at $14,000, Miscellaneous instrumentation

equipment, power supplies, amplifiers, recorders, and scalers and two terminal
stations for information retrieval and input is estimated at $20,000.


Proposed Obligations for Related Construction Projects:


(See Continuation Sheet)



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