Exposure to External and Internal Radiation _

Project Title:


In Vivo Measurement of Radionuclides in Man; Body Burden and

Kinetic Factors, Computer Applications

Technical Progress in FY 1973:

x-ray spectra were studied.



The use of solid state detectors with their

superior energy resolution capabilities has improved the experimental
characterization of x-ray spectra,
This work is in conjuction with research

reported in RX-01-03-(c).

The program for analyzing data from the positron detector system has
been replaced by one that uses a method quite different from the prewious
ones, with a great improvement in the output character.
The new method
depends on the principle that the data can be represented as points on a
sampling mesh that corresponds to the zeroes of one of the classical
Chebychev polynomials of the second kind, and these polynomials are transforms of a system of orthogonal polynomials that describe the counting

A computationally efficient program based on this was developed
and is in use,
There have also been changes made in the electronics that
eliminate the magnetic drum previously used for data storage and now transmit
the signal directly to the Sigma 2 for storage in core memory,
These changes
have made it possible to begin using the apparatus to study the kinetics of

distribution of Krypton-79 in the brain.

A computer program for recording rat breeding information makes it

possible to trace the ancestry of a specified animal and to provide
weaning and mating summaries. This was developed at the request of the


group involved in studying the hereditary aspects of hypertension (RX-01-03-b).
The clinical chemistry program has been revised extensively, and now prints
out the data on individual patients in a format suitable for inclusion in
the hospital charts.
Another new program provides a statistical analysis
of the correlation of selected clinical parameters with the results of

performance tests in parkinsonism patients (RX 01-03-a).
capability has been increased (RX-03-02-c).

The EPR simulation

Changes in the computer configuration include the addition of a large
storage display for the EPR system and a nine track magnetic tape unit.

The latter makes it possible to communicate with outside users with industrial
standard tapes. At the central facility, the BROOKNET interface has been
replaced by BROOKNET II.

The Medical Department's Sigma 2 computer was

used in some of the critical pre-operational testing of the new system.
The necessary changes of the Sigma 2 to handle BROOKNET II communications
have been achieved with a corresponding improvement of service.
It may be
noted @Hat the Medical Department's Sigma 2 is now reported to have the most
perigee attachments of any Sigma 2 installation. These include three
tape drives, a card reader, a paper tape reader, a fast printer, a
disc file, a teletype, on-line interfaces to the whole-body counter, and
the EPR and another general purpose on-line interface used with the positron
detector system and for other occasional applications,

A number of computer programs have been put into FOCUS files.


is a computer system involving a central Control Data 3200 that is connected

(See Continuation Sheet)




Select target paragraph3