
This gave 8949 rads for the total population including the

original 550.

The total dose received by the original 550, assuming

that all live for the 30 years, is

p = 320 (] - erty = 11,902 rads
For those born after the return, the population would be the difference
between the total population in 30 years, the number of deaths and the
original 550 people or 1134.
is 8949/1134 = 7.9 rads.

11,902/550 = 22 rads.

Thus, the per capita dose for this group

For the original 550, the per capita dose is

The ratio of these two to give an estimate of the

fraction of the full 30 year dose received by the children is 0.36.
The assumption of no deaths in the original 550 returning was made for

Simplicity and the lack of good death rate data.
We also compared the age characteristics of the Marshallese from Table
IV-3 and the U.S. population in 1970.
attached curve.

This comparison is given in the

The slopes are similar above age 35 but the magnitudes

are distorted by the high birth rate in the Marshall Islands.


in terms of the relative risk the similar slopes suggest that if the
natural cancer rates in the two populations are similar, the relative
risk for people above 35 in both populations would be similar because
most of the cancer occurs at ages from about 40 and above.

However, the

magnitude of the relative risk in the U.S. used for the Marshallese will
be high by a factor of somewhere around 2-3 because of the distortion
caused by the very high proportion of young people who have a relatively

low natural cancer incidence.
Using the preceding calculations for a population of 550, calculations

were made for other population sizes.

For a population of 550 (from

Deaths in 30 years

164 = 160

Births in 30 years

1277 = 1300

For a population of 140 (the number that returned to Bikini}:

Select target paragraph3