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Biomedical Program Directors Meeting. {

The Biomedical Program

Directors of 1:0 wet atBrookhaven Hs

on February 1, and 15,


fhe session opened with a classified syaposium on tritium toxicity. flesearch
reports from AEC laboratories were presented on physiological and toxicological

studies of tritiua in laboratory animals and in san.

It appears that the

major portion of all tritiu: water present as vapor in inspired air ise rapidly
taken up by the membranes of the lung. Tritiue water absorption through the
akin of man oacurs at about the sane rate that water normally is lost outward
through the skin, which fy reasenably rapii,
The biological half-tine of tritium water la the body fluide of human
beings ranges from 9 to 14 days on a normal water intake. Rosearch at Los

Alamos hag shown that this half-time can be ppdiuced to 2-1/2 days or less,
by high water intake; tuis method leads to a possible means of treatuent

of accidently exposed persennel. It was calculated that without treataent,
about three ailligrams of pure tritium water would be an approximate lethal
dose to man.

Sinee all organic biological) compounds contain hydrogen, tritium as a
potential research tool is of major interest to Dholosists. Synthesis with
tritium may be easier than with C-li, and there may be lesa stringent
restrictions in its use in the research laboratory, Another factor is that
tritium is inexpensive and available in large quantities. The cost of
tritdum ia approximately 10 cents ver afliicuries as compared to 337 per
millicurte for C~14,
Following the tritium report, papers were given on the physiological and
genetic effects of x-irradiation on plants, becteria, and aninsle.

Conference of Yadioactive Mensuremento of Freight shipments (Unclay.i fied).
This conference was held at the New York Operafiona “‘fice on Janary 30-31,
1952. Attending were representatives of the Washington Division of Slology
and Medicine; the New York, it. Louis and Cleveland Offices of A&C, and

the following companies:
Mallinekrodt, and Vitre.

Middlesex National Lead, United Lead, Harshaw,

The purpose of the conference was to study the probleas associated with

shipments of radioactive materials.

The topics discussed included:

(1) a

thorough understamiing of the need for decontamination of vehicles used in

transportation of radioactive materials; (2) a uniform policy of d econtani~nation metheds and subsequent monitoring procedures; and (3) recommendations

for interpretation of ICC regulations to effect more uniform and realistic
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Form AEC-318





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