~99 -


rn ee


200 persons are supported per Sada


that an ingestion of WYAg. of strontium 90 is a threshhold lethal
dose per person, i.e. that the mid-lethal integrated dose is
Logag - years.


There are 55 grams of strontium 90 per standard (20 kT) bomb.

| yt Tesults in 1.5 x 10"Zug - per perso


This “Fig

Thereforg§ one concludes that a number x + 5

of standard bombs in the order ci(s>lata aiepersing debris in the same


manner) would be required to raise the level of toxpcoity dangerously high.
Another way of putting this same conclusion is to say that
dangerous levels of toxecity will reach only at places where the external
radiation has reached degerously high levels.

For example, fall out from

one of the Greenhouse shots resulted in an integrated exposure of 3r to the
personnel attending the tests.

2x 107° per mim.

This corresponds to a deposition fraction of

For a ykteld of 600 grams of strontium 90 (George shot ? }.

Grn?There would result an uptake of 2 x 10°3«+ /ceorge bomb/person per year.
> Thus some 5000 detonations made at the same relative position with identical

meterological conditions would be required.

It would take 5000 of such

dispersions to raise the fission product density in the


high enough to

make the ingestion per year of strontium reach threshhold,level.
correspond to a total radiation of around 15000r at this site.

This would
Thus it appears

that dangers from internal and external effects are reached by about the same

density of fission products.

It is suggested, therefore that the problem of

internal poisoning by fission products is part of the Civil Defense, that
dangerously high levels of fission poison will be reached only under freak

circumstances (such as rainfall from a high density cloud Jand that in all cases
one's attention to the presence of toxg@city will be called by the high level of
Gamma and Beta radiation.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The number of standard atomic bombs required to reach lethal levels
of debris poisoning is in the order of 10? under expected circumstances.
estimation may be 100 too low-- or #310 times too high.

It is suggested that

high levels of texécity can be discovered through National Civil Defense


Select target paragraph3