29 January 2.5 days later.

The cloud from Baker-1l shot fired at 0845 ZST

on 26 January was estimated to pass over BNL at 0600 EST on 31 January,

2.8 days later.

The cloud from Easy shot fired 1 February 1951 was estimated

to require about 7 days to reach BNL;
arrived about the same time.

that from Baker-2 fired 2 February §

The cloud from Freddy missed BNL entirely.

kinds of observations were made:


one on the collection of radio-activity of

snowfall precipitation and the other on filters drawing ten cubic meters at :
air per sample.

From the snowfall activity of 1.4 x i974 curies per cc 1

was estimated that about .9 curies per sq. mi. of snowfall activity was

brought down with the snow on 31 January (presumably Baker-1 shot).
some allowance for neptunium content,




it appears that the total bomb debris, -

about a fraction of 5 x 107? per sq. mi. was deposited at Brookhaven,
residuum from about 2 x 107? fissions per sq. mi. per kT.

or the

The filters

reported an average activity of around 1800 disintegrations per minute.


is interesting to note that if activity of this density is uniform in the
atmosphere and if, furthermore, the precipitation brings down all activity from

ell 2, height of around 5000 meters that the activity deposited would be about
Pe 1.4 curies per sq. mi.



The evidence from the material settling out on the

& csround at times when there is no precipitation indicates that the particles

”™ from a height of only ten to fifty meters are deposited.

The NRL investigators report gathering of fission debris from roofs
of labs at Denver, Pensacola and Washington, D. C.

Their technique is

particularly accurate in that the activity of the fission product molybdenum 99

was separated and measured, allowing one to.-compute that a fraction of 5 x 19"
per sqe mi. of the debris from Baker-1 shot was precipitated at Denver;

5x i071 per sq. mi. of the Baker-2 shot settled at Pensacola; and 8 x 107?
per sq- mi. of the Able shot settled at NOEEee s


While these numbers

are valuable the samples were not collectedat places where major fall out

“KAPL reports that dispersion of 3 x i971 curies per cc of snow from

Baker-1 shot is about 1/6 of that reported by BNL.

As an exploratory calculation

the following figures are assumed:

fall out density is 5 x 104 of bomb debris per sq. mi.,


that a fraction 1073 of strontium is ingestible pererr,

Select target paragraph3