The p. sibility also exists tha‘
and at Rongelap
Atoll and elsewhere in the Northern Marshalls may be
subject to a land claim.
The best prognosis now is
that no more than 500 acres might be subject to such
a claim.

This would mean adding another

$2 million


the, damage amount, making a total of $6.2 to $3.6
Should the radiological survey now in progress

in data


support claims

at Rongelap or clsewhere,
be revised upward.


excess of

500 acres

this figure would need to

As a practical matter, we cannot assume such an
analysiswould be totally acceptable to the ‘Marshallese.
“Thereare.bound: to” be Tdbft ferences -of:‘opinions. lard - Our =),
negotiator must have some room to maneuver.
For exanple,
no matter what the hard facts, it is unlikely Eniwetok

will not want some part of a settlement.

Setting an

upper limit in this context is an arbitrary decision.


for practical

as well as psychological

reasons, the figure of $10 million as a boundary makes
sense, subject to possible upyvard revision, noted in
the preceding paragraph, should the damage at Rongelap
and elsewhere in the Northern Marshalls prove greater
than is now foreseen.



Select target paragraph3