Dear Mr. Mitchell:

Your 24 October 1972 letter to Lieutenant General Dunn has been
referred to me, as the individual at this agency with overall responsibility for the survey, for reply,
Please be advised that in accordance with the Preliminary Injunc~
tion dated 5 October 1972 issued by the U.S. District Court for the
District of Hawaii, all activity on Eniwetok Atoll in furtherance of
the Pacific Cratering Experiments

(PACE) has ceased.

The Department

of Defease is thus ia full compliance with the court order.
The only current activity on the atoll, the survey referred to
in your letter, is fully independent of PACE, both in planning and in
The survey effort is in furtherance of the return of
Eniwetok Atoll to the Government of the Trust Territory of the Pacific
Islands, and will assist in determining a feasible timetable for the
return of the people as well as the necessary cleanup measures prior
to their return,

Clearly the Department of Defense does not


to circumvent the court order under the guise of the survey.
The purpose of the survey is to provide data as to the condition
of the atoll, to include the physical condition and the location of
and degree of radiological contamination,
No structures or materials
are to be disturbed other than to ‘the extent necessary to obtain the
required data.
The survey is being performed. both from the engineer-

ing and the radiological point of view.
The engineering portion is
being conducted under the direction of the Defense Nuclear Agency (DWA)
and involves approximately ten DNA and supporting contractor personnel,
The radiological part of the survey is being conducted under the direc-

tion of the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), in coordination with DNA,
and involves approximately thirty people.
The information obtained
from the survey wili provide the basis for developing, for the subsequent cleanup effort,

an estimate of costs,

an engineering plan for



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Micronesian Legal Services Corporation
P, O. Box 825
Saipan, Mariana Islands 96950



Mr. Theodore R. Mitchell
Executive Director


2 November 1972

W304 |


WASHINGTON, 0.C. 20305

Select target paragraph3