Mr. Theodore R. Mitchell



2 November 1972

accomplishing the work involved, an environmental impact statement,
and for otherwise complying with the National Environmental Policy
Act (NEPA).
The purpose of the survey is to provide information on
which intelligent study and decisions can be based.
This agency can
neither discuss and plan the cleanup effort, nor file an environmental
impact statement and otherwise comply with NEPA, until the survey is
completed and the necessary data gathered and analyzed.
Once the
field portion of the survey and the data analysis have been accon-plished, it is and always has been.the intention, as expressed by the
Department of the Interior, to involve the people of Eniwetok in the
planning stage of the cleanup,
You indicated in your letter your belief that DNA has been designated “the prime agency for planning and carrying out the rehabilita-

tion of Eniwetok Atoll",

DNA's sole responsibility at this time is

for the survey work as outlined above.
No other tasking has as yet
been done.
It is envisioned, pending the results of the survey, that
DKA will only be involved in the cleanup effort insofar as making the
atoll safe for human habitation.
The remainder of the rehabilitation
program is the responsibility of the Department of the Interior,

I am certain you will appreciate the necessity of continuing the
survey work in order that the previously announced timetable for the
return of the atoll can be maintained as a viable goal.

OathMibu ces _
(i ?sosare L, -DICKMAN

Major General, USAF
Deputy Director (Operations and

Peter T. Coleman

Oscar deBrum

S. S,. Carpenter, Interior Dept.
“WwW. K. Streenan, AEC
W. Ruckelshaus, Director, EPA

Jon ¥. Miko

Grant .C. Reynolds
MLSC Marshalls
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