How come the ERDA doctors told us that there was just
a little bit of radiation

in Utirik and a lot in Rongelan? That is, way are there
the sane mupbes
of malignant thyroid glands in Utirik as there are in fonrvrel

The doctors from ERDA have told us that there were
1) rads in Utirik and
175 rads in Rongelan, therefore, We are very surpriz
ed, because in Utirik we
have ten cases



of thyroid nodules- ,? three of wnich were malignant.
But an
vor slay
ave thirty cases of thyroid nodules, and also
three cases of mMaligmancr,

ernaps you can tell us if there is some exolanation
for the same munber
. thyroid cases in Rongelap and Utirik, who received very different levels of melienant .






The radiation dose to the thyroid glands was higher than the dose to
the rest of the body because of selective absorption by the thyroid of
radioiadines inhaled and ingested from conteminated food and water at the
time of the Fallout.

The radiation dose to the thyroid glands of the

_Utirik people was estimated to be about 30 rads for edults and betsveen
30 and 90 rads for children compared with 335 rads for adults end up to
‘700 - 1400 rads for children exposed on Rongelap.:

By the time the people

returned. to Uririk the radioiodines had virtually diszszpeared so that no
further significant thyroid exposure was possible to enyone living on the
island at that time.
The development of thyroid cancer in the Utirik people within the past
few years was unexpected.

Statistical comparison of thyroid cancer inci-~

dence at Utirik with the larger experience of the United States indicates
that radiation very likely was involved.

Accordingly 1t was recommended

to the Department of Interior that all Utirik people who have thyroid
operations be considered for compensation similarly to the Renzelap people.
Compared with limited data on the unexposed Marshallese populations there
has been only a very slight increase, if any, im non-cancer thyroid nodules

in the Utirik people.

quam» ppd §

The three cases of thyroid cancer in the Utirik

Select target paragraph3