Following the accidea


1954 the American physicians and sciencis


-« ansy uv UWOB give full e:xantinations
, as they do in Qoncelan. if

to the vedole of Utirik every y


involyed, based on knowledge of human radiation efiects available at that
time, did not believe that the dose estimated to nave been received by
the Utirik people would lead to diseases caused by radiation.

Also, since

they had shown us acute effects and only a slight statistical depression of
platelet cownts, they were returned to theic home island. However, it was
considered prudent that the Utirik people should be examined at regular
intervals and they were given complete physical exeminations in 1957, 1959,
1963, 1966, 1969,

1972 and 1975.

During the past six years special attention

has been paid to thyroid examinations on an annual basis and all of the

people on the island have been encouraged to be examined and treated by
the physicians at sick call.

Since 1973 the resident physician has visited

Utirik on a quarterly basis.

Dr. Kotrady was employed by Brookhaven National

Lavoratory to continue and expend the progrem initiated by Brookhaven and |
first carried out by Dr. Knudsen.

There were different return times for the Utirik people and the Ronclap

people from Kwajalein (following their evacuation) in 1954~-~the PEQILE

of Utarik returned to their atoll after three months, and the people

of Rongelap returned to their atoll after three yearse
receive Hore
\ Hould it be correct to say that perhaps the Utirilk people

than only 14 rads in light of their quick return time to Utirik

Although the estimated doses

received by both Rongelap and Utirik people are inexact, a review of the data
indicates that the dose estimates aré reasonable estimates.

There were marked

early effects in the Rongelap people, but the lack of acute symptoms and the
minimal blood changes detectable by statistical means in Utirik individuals
is consistent with a small dose.

‘The fact that the litirik people were returmed

to their home island several months after the fallout would have contributed only
a very slight increase in dose since surveys of the island revealed that the radi

tion levels were very low.



Select target paragraph3