

or minerals underthe surface of private lands, all property which at
the time of the cession belonged, underthe law of Spain then in force,
to the various harbor works boards of Puerto Rico, all the harbor

shores, docks, slips, reclaimed lands, andall public lands and buildings

not heretofore reserved by the United States for public purposes, 1s

hereby placed under the control of the Government of Puerto Rico,

to be administered for the benefit of the people of Puerte Rico; and
the Legislature of Puerto Rico shall have authority; subject to the

fee teecene amma means OT

Src. & That the harbor areas and navigable streams and bodies of
water and submerged land underlying the same in and aroundthe’
Island of Puerto Rico and the adjacent islands and waters, now owned
by the United States and not reserved by the United States for public
purposes be, and the same are hereby, placed under the control of the
Government of Puerto Rico, to be administered in the same manner
and subject to the limitations as the property enumerated in the preceding section; Provided that all laws of the United States for the
protection and improvement of the navigable waters of the United
States and the preservation of the interests of navigation and commerce, except so far as the same maybe locally inapplicabic, shall
apply to said Island and waters and to its adjacent islands and waters;
provided, further, that nothing in this Act contained shall be construed
so as to affect or impair in any mannerthe terms or conditions of any
authorizations, permits, or other powers herctofore lawfully granted
or excreised in or in respect of said waters and submerged land in and
surrounding said Island and its adjacent islands by the Seeretary of
Warorother‘authorized officer or agent of the United States; and provided, further, that the Act of Congress approved June eleventh nineteen hundred and six, entitled ‘An Act to empowerthe Secretary of
War, undercertain restrictions, to authorize the construction, extension, and maintemunce of wharves, piers, and other structures on lands
underlying harbor areas in navigable streams and bodies of waterin or
surrounding Puerto Rico andthe islands adjacent thereto,’ andall other
Jaws and purts of laws in conflict with this section be, and the same are
hereby, repealed.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, as used in this section
(1) submerged lands underlying navigable bodies af water include
lands permanently or periodically covered by tidal waters up to but
not ubovethe line of mean high tide, all lands underlying the navigable
bodies of water in and around the island of Puerto Rico and the ad-


limitations imposed uponail of its acts, to legislate with respect to

all such matters as it may deem advisable; Provided, that the President may fromtime to time, in his discretion, convey to the people of
Puerto Rico such lands, buildings or interests in lands or other property now owned by the United States and withinthe territorial limits
of Puerto Rico as im his opinion are no longer needed for purposes of
the United States, And he mayfromtime to time acceptby legislative
grant from Puerto Rico any lands, buildings or other interests or
property which may be needed for public purposes by the United
States. Votwithstanding any other provision of law, as used in this
section ‘control’ ineludes all right, title and interest in and to and jurisdiction and authority over the aforesaid
property and includes proprictary rights of ownership, and the rights of management, adinin‘astration, leasing, use and development of such property.”

Select target paragraph3