(b) (1) The government of the Virgin Islands shall continue to have
control over all public property that is under its control on the date
of approval of this Act.—July 22, 1954, ch. 558, § 31, 68 stat. 510.
(2) Subject to valid existing rights, title to all property in the

Virgin Islands which may have been acquired by the United States

from Denmari: under the Convention entered into August 16, 1916, rot
reserved or retained by the United States in accordance with the pro-

visions of Public Law 93-435 (88 Stat. 1210) is hereby transferred to
the Virgin Jslunds government.


Posuic Law 95-348



Src. 4. (a) There is hereby authorized to beappropriated to the Secretary not to exceed $5,000,000 of which not more than $1,000,000 may
be appropriated for fiscal year 1979 to be paid to the governmentof
the Virgin Islands for the purpose of promoting economic development in the Virgin Islands. ‘fhe Secretary shall prescribe the types of
programs for which such sums may be used.
(b>) (1) There is authorized to be appropriated for construction of
hospital facilities in the Virgin Islands not more that $52,000,000 plus
or minus such amounts, if any, as maybe justified by reason of ordinary
fluctuations in construction costs from October 1978 price levels as in- ©
dicated by engineering cost indexes applicableto the types ofcon-

struction involved.
(2) Grants provided pursuant to this section and not obligated or

expended by the government of the Virgin Islands during any fiscal
year will remain available for obligation or expenditure by such government in subsequent fiscal years for the purposes for which the
funds were appropriated.
(3) Funds provided under paragraph (b)(1) may be used by the
Virging Islands as the matching share of Federal programs and

(4) Authorizations of moneys to be appropriated under this subsection shall be effective on October1, 1978.
(c)(1) Section 9(c) of the Revised Organic Act of the Virgin
Islands (68 Stat. 497) is amended by deleting theperiod at the end
thereof and inserting “or such other date as the Legislature of the
Virgin Islands may determine.”.
(2) Beginning as soon as the government. of the VirgmIslands
enacts legislation establishing a fiscal year commencing on October 1
and ending on September30, the Secretaryof the Treasury, prior to
the commencement of anyfiscal year, shall remit to the government
of the Virgin Islands the amount of duties, taxes, and fees less the
cost of callecting all of said duties, taxes, and fees, occurring before
January 1, 1982, which the Governor of the Virgin Islands, with the
concurrence of the government comptroller of the Virgin Islands, has

estimnated will be collected in or derived from the Virgin Islands under
the Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands during the next fiscal
year, except for those sums covered directly upon collection into the
treasury of the Virgin Islands. There shall be deducted from or added
to the amounts so remitted, as may be appropriate, at the beginning

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Select target paragraph3