judicial condemnation proceedings, in which the issue of compensation was adjudicated in a contested trial in the District Court of
Guain, by the United States between July 21, 1944, and August 23,

1963, and to award fair compensation in those cases whereit is deter-

mined that fess than fair market value was paid as a result of (1)
duress, unfair influence, or other unconscionable actions, or (2) unfair,
unjust, and inequitable actions of the United States.
(b) Land acquisitions effected through judicial condemnation proceedings in which the issue of compensation was adjudicated in a con-

tested trial in the District Court of Guam, shall remain res Judicata
and shall not be subjectto review hereunder.
(c) Iair compensation for purposes of this Act iis defined as such
additional amounts as are necessary to effect payment of fair market
value at the time of acquisition, if it is determined that, as a result of
duress, unfair influence, or other unconscionable actions, fair market

P (ec) Awards made hereunder shall be judements against the United

(f) Attorney’s fees paid by claimants to counsel representing them

may not exceed 5 per eentum ofany additional award. Any agreement

to the contrary shall be unlawful and void. Whoever, in the United

States or elsewhere, demandsor receives any remuneration in excess of
the maximum permitted by this section shall be guilty of a misdeIneanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than
$5,000 or imprisoned not more than twelve months,.or both, A reasonable attorney’s fee may be awarded in appropriate cases.

(g) Allagencies and departments of the United States Government

shall, upon request, deliver to the court any documents, records, and
writin es which are pertinent to any claim under review.
Sec.205. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of the Interior such sums as may be necessary for grants to the

Government of Guam to mect the health care needs of Guam, but not

to exceed $25,000,000: Provided, That no grant may be made by the
Secretary ‘of the Interior pursuant to this section without the prior

approval of the Seerctary of Health, Education, and Welfare,
Act or Novemeper 4, 1963

(77 Stat, 302)











Sec. 3. The Secretary of the Treasury shall withhold from sums
collected pursuant to section 30 of the Organic Act of Guam (48
U.S.C. 1421h), before such sums are transferred to the Government
of Guam, such amount'as the Secretary of the Interior estimates will
reimburse the United States [, with interest as set forth below,] over
a period of thirtyyears beginning June 30, 1968, for
(a) 100 per centum of such moneysas are paid undersection 2
hereof for water projects, power projects, or telephone projects;



value was not paid. [Interest may not be allowed from the time of

acquisition to the date of the award on such additional amounts as.
may be awarded pursuantto this section.]
(d) The District Court of Guam may employ and utilize the services of such special masters or judges as are necessary to carry out the ©
intent and purposes hereof,

Select target paragraph3