relating thereto, and for other purposes” (91 Stat. 1159; Public Law
95-134) is amended—
(1) in subsection 104(a), by striking out paragraph (4) and
redesignating paragraph (5) as paragraph (4); and
(2 by inserting after section 105, the following newsection:
“Sec. 106. (a2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the
Secretary of Energy shall provide for the people of the atolls of
Bikini, Knewetak, Rongelap, Utirilk, and such otheratolls us the
Secreaary of Energy may designate, and for their descendants, a
program of medical surveillance and treatment, and environmental] research and monitoring, for any illness or injury which,

in the sols opinion of the Secretary of Energy, may have been the

result of the United States nuclear weapons testing program at
or near such atolls during the period of 1916 to 1958, Such program shall include—
“(1) a periodic medical surveilance of such people and their
descendants with special emphasis on diavnosis and treatment of
injury orillness that may have resulted from such nuclear weap- .
ons testing program ;
“(2) a periodic comprehensive monitoring and analysis of the

radiological status of the people and environment of the atolls

describect in subsection (a) of this section, employing the most |
current scientific and technical methods available, with emphasis.
on radionuclide pathways to man through the food chain,
“(3) at appropriate intervals, but not less frequently than once
every five years, the development of an updated radiation dose
assessment, together with an estimate of the risk associated with
tho predicted human exposure, for each suchatoll;
“(4) an education and information program to enable the
people of such atolls to more fully understand nuclear radiation
and its-effects; to the end that unrealistic fears will be minimized
and measures to discover, treat, or reduce human exposure to

radiation at such atolls will be maximally effective.

“(b)(1) In the development and implementation of the program provided by this section, the Secretary of Energyshall
consult and coordinate with the Secretary of the Interior, the
Secretary of Defense, the High Commissioner of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and the President of the Marshall

Islands; and in consultation with the National Acadetny of Sciences, shal] establish ’a scientific advisory committee which shall

review and evaluate the conduct of such program and make
such recommendations regarding its improvement as they deem
“(2) At the request of the Secretary of Energy, any Federal
agency shall provide such information, personnel, facilities, !ogistical support, or other assistance as the Secretary of Energy dvems
necessary to carry out the functions of this program; the costs
of all such assistance shal! be reimbursed to the provider thereof
out of the sums anthorized to be appropriated by this section.
(3) There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary
of Energy such sums as may be necessary to plan, implement,
and operate the program authorized and directed to be provided
by the section.

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