



Sec. 606.—This section, proposed by Senator Jackson, would confirm
the jurisdiction of Puerto Rico over its submerged lands to three ina-

“Puerto Rico, pursuant to 48 U.S.C. 749, controls the submerged lands

around the islands of Puerto Rico.” In order to prevent any uninten-

tional exclusion of Puerto Rico from the measure since the Common.

wealth is not included in either the Submerged Lands Act or the Territorial Submerged Wands Act, Senator Johnston, Chairman of the Sub- .
committee on Territories and Insular Affairs, at the request of then
Governor Rafoel Hernandes-Colon and Resident Comniissioner—.

Jaime Benitez requested further confirmation of Puerto Rico’s jurisdiction. The Director of the Office of Territorial Affairs testified that
“by act of Congress In LO17 (48 U.S.C. 749) the Government of Puerto
Rico obtained control of its submerged lands, As far as we are aware,
Puerto Rico’s administration of its submerged lands hadbeen quite
Althoughthe precise seawardjurisdiction was not as explicitly stated
in the 1917 Act for Puerto Rico as was later done for the States under

the Submerged Lands Act and for the territories under the Terri-

torial Submerged Lands <Act, the basis for such jurisdiction rests on
grounds similar to those asserted by Texas and Florida based on Spanish law and custom. The grant to Puerto Rico in 1917, therefore, was
three leagues. The amendment inerely confirms the action of the United
States taken in 1917 by conformingthe language of the 1917 Act to the
language of the Submerged Lands Act and the Territorial Submerged
Lands Act.

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Puerto Rico’s jurisdiction and control has been evidenced since 1917
and as recently as 1974, in conimenting on the Territorial Submerged
Lands Act, the formal Administration Report stated in part that

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the administration of the government of Puerto Rico contro! over lands

acquired by the United States from Spain through the Treaty of Paris
in 1899,


rine leagues. This jurisdiction was conferred on Puerto Rico by sections
and § of the Organic Act of 1917 (“Jones Act”) which transferred to

ULR. 3756 was introduced by Congressman Burtonef al. on April 26,

1979. Hearings were held by the Subcommittee on National Parks and

Insular Affairs on April 30, 1979. The bill was ordered reported by
the Subcommittee on April 30 and by the Full Committee on Interior
and Insular Affairs on May 2, 1979. H.R. 3756 was approved by the
House on May7, and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural
Resourees. Hearings were held by the Full Comittee on October10,

The Senate Committce on Energy and Natural Resources, in open
business session on December 6, 1979, by unanimous vote of a quorum
present recommends that the Senate pass H.R. 3756 if amended as
described herein.

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