

as to its enforcement. The purpose of the proposed legislation is simply to alleviate the threat of burdensome and unnecessary expenditures for the people of Guam. Most importantly, this ts a goal which
can be accomplished without anysacrifice in air quality.
In approving Title III the Committee deleted those provisions of
the Hfouse-passed measure which addressed the administration and
enforcement of the local territorial tax for the reasons noted in the
discussion of the Northern Marianas provisions.

August 4, 1916 for the sum of $25 million. Pursuant to the 1936Or-

ganic Act, and the 1954 Revised Organic Act and subsequent amendments, the Virgin Islands is self governing with an elective governor
and legislature.
Section Analysis and Discussion of Amendinents
See. 401——This section wus proposed by the Administration and
would transfer to the Virgin Islands property which was acquired

from Denmark by the United States and which was not reserved or

retained by the United States in accordance with the provisions of
Public Law 93-485. In addition, the section includes a provision added
by the House which would transfer 230 acres to the Virgin Islands
for the construction of an armory. The Committee understands that
the Virgin Islands already has title to the property although it ts
subject to a mortgage held by GSA. The outstanding balance of the
mortgage 1s $2,800,000 of which $125,000 is attributable to the ten acres

needed for the armory. In order to assist the V.I. government, the
Committee modified the section to require the Administrator of GSA
to sever the 10 acres and release it from the mortgage upon payment
of the $125,000 remainingon the principal.
Sec. 402.'—This section would prohibit any modification of the existing lease on Water Island before 1992 without express Congressional approval. Even the witnesses from the Administration would
not defend the terms of the present lease which in some places allows
owners to recover fair market replacement value of any unprovements
made during the lease. The House passed measure had only required
Committee ‘approval, but the Department of Justice testified that
such a proviston would be unconstitutional. Accordingly the Committee has modified the provision to require an Act of Congress to
approve any modifications.
Sec. 403-—-This section authorizes the U.S. to deduet the cost of
colluctions from the revenues to be covered into the Virgin Ishunds
Treasury pursuant to the Revised Organic Act. ‘The “Committee
adopted an Administration supported technical amendment.



96-467 --+-- 3


Description—The U.S. Virgin Islands is an organized, unincorporated territory of the United States. The Virgin Tslands consist of
three principal islands and approximately 50“smaller islands and
islets Tocated in the Carribean Sea approximately 40 miles east of
Puerto Rico. The three principal islands are St. Thomas (where the
capital, Charlotte Amalie is located ), St. Croix and St. John. Water
Island and Hassel Island adjact to St. Thomas are also inhabited. The
territory contains 130 square mules of land area with a popul: ition of
around 100,600.
The Virgin Islands was acquired from Denmark by a treaty signed


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