Convention entered into August 16, 1916, not reserved or retained by the United

States in accordance with the provisions of Public Law 93-325 (88 Stat. 1210)

is hereby transfterred to the Virgin Islands government.™.

(b) The General Services Administration shall release from the mortzage
dated January 26, 1922, given by the Government of the Virgin Islands tu the

Administrntor of the General Services Administration, approximately ten icres
of such inoctgaged land for construction of the propuscd St. Croix arurory upon

payment by the Government of the Virgin Islands of the outstanding principal

inay be entered into before 1992 unless such extensioa, renewal, or renegotiation
is spceitically approved by Act of Congress.

Sec. 403. (a) Subsection 28(a) of the Revised Organie Act of the Virgin
Yslunds, 2s amended by subsection t(c) (3) of the Act of August 18, 1978 (Sz

Stat. 487, 491) is amended by inserting after the phrase “and naturalization fees

collected in the Virzin Isluuds.” the phrase “less the cast of collecting, except
any costs for preclesarance operations which slall not be deducted, of all of
said duties, taxes, aud fees from -A\uzust 18, 1978, until Jamuary 1, 1982,".
(b) Seetion 4(c) (2) of the Act of August 18,.1978, is amended by inserting
the phrase “less the cost of cullecting all of said duties, faxes, and fees, occurring
‘before January 1, 1982," after the phrase “the amount of duties, taxes and
fees’ wherever the latcer phrase appears.

Src. 40h Subsection (d) of section + of Public Law 93-248 (92 Stat. £87, 491)

is hereby repealed,


Sec, 501. The salary and expenses of the government comptroller for American
Samoan shall be paid frou. funds aprepriated to the Department of the Interior.
Sec. 502. The Secretary of the Treasury shall, upon the request of the Governor
of American Saniva, adminiscer and enforce the collection of all customs duiies

anes ma SOAny ow eer
* aa” wel tg re ROE Nncadena.
ate ios:

due on such ten acres.
Sec. 402. No extension, renewal, or rencgotiation of the lease of real property
on Water Island in the Virgin Islands to which the Umited States is a party

derived fram Aimericun Samoa, without cost to the government of American


Src. 601. Title V of the Act entitled “An Act to authorize certain appropriations

for the territories of the United States. to amend certain Acts relating thereto.

and for other purposes” (91 Stat. 1160) shall be applied with respect to the

Department of the Interior hy substituting “shall for “may” in the last sentence
of subsection (d).

Sec. 602, (a) Any amount authorized to be appropriated for a fiscal year by

this Act or an amendinent made by this Act but not appropriated for such
fiseal year is authorized to be appropriated in succeeding fiscal years.
(Pb) Any umount appropriated pursuant te this Act or ag amendment made
by this Act for a fiscal year but not expended during such fiscal year shall

remain availible for expenditure in succeeding fiscal years.
Sec. 605. To the extent practicable, services, facilities, and equipment of
agencies and instrumentalities af the United States Government may be mude

available, on a reimbursable basis, to the governments of the teritories and
possessions of the United States and the Trust Territory of the Poeific Islands.
Reimbursements may be credited f the appropriation er fund of the areney
or instrumentality through which the services, facilities, and equipment are provided, Tf otherwise authorized by Inw, such services, facilities, and equipment
may be nade available without reimbursement,
Sec. GO4, Any new borrowing authority provided in this Aet or authority to
Inake payinents under this Act shall be effective only to the extent or in such
mounts as ure provided in advance in appropriation Aets.
Src. G05. (a) Prior to the granting of any license, permit, or other authorization
or permission by any agency or instrinnentality of the United States to any
perser for the transportation of spent nuclear fuel or high-level radioactive
wiste for interim, long-term, or permanent storuge to or for the
storage of such

fuel or waste on any territory or possession of the United States, the Secretary

the Interior is directed to transmit to the Congress a detailed report
on the

2m i tee ow


Samoa. The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Governor of
American Samoa, shall make every effort to employ and train the residents of
American Samoa to carry out the provisions of this section. The Administration
aud enforcement of this section shall commence October i, 1980.

Select target paragraph3