+o eka

and Parcels 2 and 22 (estate Upper Bethlehem, St. Croix,
U.S. Virgm Islands) and Parcels 24 and 28 (fredensborg
and Upper Bethlehem, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands) and
Parcel 24 (Mstate Body Slob and Upper Bethlehem, St.
Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands) are
jon 12, folowing Nne18, insert the following newsections 04 and

Sue, 494. No extension, renewal, or renegotiation of the lease
of real property on Water Island in the Virgin Islands to
Which the United States is a party shall be made before 1992
without the express approval of the Committee on Interior
and Tnsulav Affairs of the ILouse of Representatives and the
Conmmittee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate.
sec. 105, Gt) Subsection 28(a) of the Revised Organic Act
of the Virgin Ishinds, as amended by subseetion +(c) (3) of

the Act of August 18, 1978 (92 Stat. EST, 491) is amended by

inserting after the phrase “and naturalization fees collected
inthe Virgin Islands,” the phrase “dees the cost of collecting,
except any costs for preclearanee operations which shall not
be deducted, of all of said duties, taxes, and fous from August

18, 197s, until Janwiry 1, 1982)".
(Bb) Seetion 4(c)(2) of the Act of August 1S, 1978, 1s
amended by inserting the phrase “less the cost of collecting


The purpose of IR. 3746 is to amendthe necessary appropriations,
mike certain amendments to existing Jaws, and to provide needed
legislation relating to the insular areas of American Samoa, Guam,
the Northern Mariana Islands, the Trust. Territory of the Pacific
Islands, and the Virgin Islauds in their economic and political
The 1979 Insular Areas bill was unaninously approved by the Subcounntttee on National Parks and Insular Affairs on Monday. April

80. On May 2, 1979, the House Committee on Intertor and Insular

Affiurs reported out JLT. 3756, as amended, by wnaninous voiee

Cosr axp Bupger Acr ComMpVniaNnce

Tn accordance with its cost estimates, the Committee recommenditions include the following::
Nection 102, T7PL—Provides approxhuately $12 million for Title
1 payments.


all of said ciuties, taxes, and fees, occurring before January1,

1982,” after the phrase “the amount of duties, taxes, and fees.”
Page 13, line 12, before “shall” insert “(91 Stat. 1160)”,
Page 14, following line 11, add a newsection 603 as follows:
Sec. 605. Any new borrowing authority provided in this
Act or authority to make payments under this Act shall be
effective only to the extent or in such amounts as are provided
in advance Inappropriation acts.

Select target paragraph3