


acting pursuant to legislation enacted in accordance with sections 5

tax measured by income which may be in force in the Northern

Maviana ‘Islands pursuant to section 602 of such Covenant. This
authority shall continue until such time as the Governorof the Northern Mariana Islands, acting pursuantto legislation enacted in accordance with sections 5 and 7 of article II of the Constitution of the
Northern Mariana Islands, requests the Secretary of the Treasury to
discontinue the administration and enforcement of such taxes. The
administration and enforcement of such taxes by the government of
the Northern Mariana Islands shall begin on January 1 of the year

following the year in which such Northern Mariana Islands law is








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(2) Beeinning as soon as the government of the Virgin Islands

enacts levislation establishing a fiscal year commencing on October Land eniling on September 50, the Secretary of the Treasury,
prior to the commencement of any fiscal year, shall remit to tho
government of the Virgin istands the amount of duties, taxes, and |
foes, less the cost of collecting all of said dutics, taxes, and fees,
occurring before January J, 1982, which the Governor of the
Virgin Islands, with the concurrence of the government comptroller of the Virgin Islands, has estimated will be collected in
or derived from the Virgin Islands under the Revised Organic Act
of the Virgin Islands during the next fiscal year, except for those
sums covered directly upon collection into the treasury of the
Virgin Islands. There shall be deducted from or added to the
amounts so remitted, as may be appropriate, at the beginning of
the fiseal year, the difference between the amount of duties, taxes,
and frees actually collected duringthe prior fiscal year and the
amount of such duties, taxes, and fees as estimated and remitted
at the beginning of that priorfiscal year, including any deductions
which maybe required as a result of the operation of Public Law

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without relmbursement or other costs to the government of the Northern Mariana Islands, to administer and enforce the provisions of section (601, 602, or 604 of the Covenant To Establish a Commonwealth
of Northern Marimna Islands in Political Union With the United
States of America (Vublhie Law 94-241; 90 Stat. 263, 269) and in order
to administer and enforee the collection of any payroll tax or other

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and 7 of article II of the Constitution of the Northern Mariana Islands,

94-392 (90 Stat. 1195).









EG. 5. (2) The Secretary, acting through the Director of the National Park Service, is authorized and directed to develop, maintain,
and administer the existing American Memorial Park (hereinafter
in this section referred to as the “park”), located at Tanapag Harbor
Reservation, Saipan. Phe park shall be administered for the primary
purpose of honoring the dead in the World War II Mariana Islands

Select target paragraph3