

The interior exposure rate is that which was observed at the center of
the dwelling at a height above the floor of three feet or at contact
with the floor.

Both values were. investigated.

The exterior exposure

rate used in the above equation was the arithmetical average of the
four external exposure rates measured around each dwelling site.
Exposure rate reduction factors for each dwelling are indicated
in Table 2 for the floor and three foot height situations,

The measure-

ments are stratified according to each aspect of construction encountered.
The average interior exposure rate at floor level and at three feet
in the center of the dwellings (exluding those filled with masonite
and those having only a slab) is about 11 uR/hr.
On Bikini Island, exposure rates present from radioactivity remaining post nuclear testing are reduced within the concrete dwellings
by a significant amount.

Upon completion of the housing construction

effort, an exposure reduction factor of about 50% may apply.

This is

about what was expected provided materials of construction contained
low levels of radioactivity,

Even greater reduction can be expected

when the housing area is covered with one to two inches of coral gravel
as has beén. recommended.

Depending on the occupancy time for residents

of these houses, total exposure to external radiation can be expected
to be reduced accordingly.
The authors wish to recognize the role of the Department of the
Interior and particularly the Office of Trust Territories of the Pacifi

Select target paragraph3