

A total of 33 structures were examined.

These were in various

ptages of construction that varied from floor slab only to essentially
complete and occupied (by the contractor supervisor).

of the structures are shown in Figure l.

The locations

Figure 2 is a sketch of a

completed dwelling.
A typical building layout is indicated in Figure 3, showing the

points at which measurements were made: on the center line of each
wall, 10 feet out from the wall, 3 feet above the surface of the ground;
in the center of the building, at a height of 3 feet; and in the center
of the building, on the floor.
Raw Data

The exposure rates measured are indicated in Table 1, in micro
roentgens per hour (uR/h).

External exposure rates ranged from 7 uR/hr


to 55 pR/hr, with an arithmetic mean value of 20 uR/hr.
Treated Data and Results
Exposure rate reduction factors (RF) were computed for each dwelling
except for seven "slab only" sites where no external measurements were

The reduction factor (RF) is expressed in percent and was de-

termined utilizing the following equation:
RF = (1 - Interior Exposure Rate) x 100
Exterior Exposure Rate

Select target paragraph3