94 STAT. 90

PUBLIC LAW 96-205—MAR. 12, 1980



48 USC 1668.
Customs duties

48 USC 1669.

Sec.:501. The salary and expenses of the government comptroller
for American Samoa shal] be paid from funds appropriated to the
Departmentofthe Interior.
Sec. 502. The Secretary of the Treasury shall, upon the request of
the Governor of American Samoa, administer and enforce the collection of all customs duties derived from American Samoa,without cost
to the government of American Samoa. The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Governor of American Samoa, shall
make every effort to employ and train the residents of American
Samoato carry out the provisions of this section. The administration

and enforcement of this section shall commence October 1, 1980,
48 USC 1469a.

Sec. 601. Title V of the Act of October 15, 1977, entitled ‘An Act to
authorize certain appropriations for the territories of the United
States, to amend certain Acts relating thereto, and for other pur-

poses” (91 Stat. 1159) shall be applied with respect to the Department
of the Interior by substituting “shall” for “may” in the last sentence

of subsection (d), and adding the following sentence at the end of

subsection (d): ‘‘Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in the
case of American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands any

department or agency shall waive any requirement for local matching funds under $100,000 (including in-kind contributions) required
by law to be provided by American Samoa or the Northern Mariana
Sec. 602. (a) Any amount authorized to be appropriated for a fiscal
year by this Act or an amendment made by this Act but not

appropriated for such fiscal year is authorized to be appropriated in
succeedingfiscal years.

(b) Any amount appropriated pursuant to this Act or an amendment made by this Act for a fiscal year but not expended during such

facilities, and
48 USC 1469c.

fiscal year shall remain available for expenditure in succeedingfiscal
Sec. 603. To the extent practicable, services, facilities, and equip-

ment of agencies and instrumentalities of the United States Government may be made available, on a reimbursable basis, to the
governments of the territories and possessions of the United States

and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Reimbursements may

be credited to the appropriation or fund of the agency or instrumentality through which the services, facilities, and equipment are

provided. If otherwise authorized by law, such services, facilities, and

equipment may be made available without reimbursement.
Sec. 604. Any new borrowing authority provided in this Act or
authority to make payments under this Act shall be effective only to
the extent or in such amounts as are provided in advance in
Nuclear fuel or



and storage.
Report to


USC 1491.

appropriation Acts.

Sec. 605. (a) Prior to the granting of any license, permit, or other
authorization or permission by any agency or instrumentalityof the
United States to any person for the transportation of spent nuclear
fuel or high-level radioactive waste for interim, long-term, or perma-

nent storage to or for the storage of such fuel or waste on any.

territory or possession of the United States, the Secretary of the
Interior is directed to transmit to the Congress a detailed report on
the proposed transportation or storage plan, and no suchlicense,
permit, or other authorization or permission maybe granted nor may

Select target paragraph3