
Particle Appearance

The particles from one group were radioautographed for the
minimm practicable length of tine. Those which were found to be
radioactive were classified according to appearance. The results are
presented in Table 3.16. Representative particles are illustrated in

Figures 3.30 to 3.36.

The large particles from Shots 1 and 2 appeared

to be coral, whereas the smaller particles had a more crystal-like
appearance. Fallout from Shot 3 had a smaller percentage of coral
particles, most of which were in the larger size ranges; tho ~emining
particles had a fuzsd, porous, or ashlike acpearance.


Locationof Activity in the Particle.

The particles from the sacond group were treated by the method
exployad by Cadle24/ to determine their intevnal activity distribution
This process could not resolve the location of activity on particles
below 149 pe These data are presci.ied in Taole 3.17 and selected
radioautosraphs ara illustrated in Figures 3.37 through 3-39. Activ:
ity on tha Shot 1 particlos was on the surface in 60 to 70 per cen of
the nuuber examined, evenly distributed throughout 21 to 36 per cent
ef the particles and unevenly distributed throughout 1 to § per cent
of the particles examimed. The activity on the outside of the Shot 3
particles varied from 32 to 37 per cent. Uniformly radioactive
particles varied from 3 to 55 ner cent and activity wags unevenly distribut3d in zero tc 13 per cei.t of the particler. The percentage of
particles with activity on the outsice generally increased cirectis:
with size, while the percentage of uniformly radioactive particias

generally decreased with size.

No trenmis wero roted in the small

grou) where the activity was scattered rardonly throughout the
There was no apparent ccrrelation batweean the location of
activity on the particles and their physical aspearencee



Shot 1 Transparent Crystalline Particle 45-249 pn.


Select target paragraph3