Shot6: (At Eniwetok) Over 1000 r/hr in tue immediate vicin~
ity of ground zero, dropping to 17 to 32 r/hr on the islands westward

and 1 to 6 r/hr eastward from ground zero.

Within the atoll, there was no apparent trend of radioactive

carticle size distributicn with distance, direction,or time.

5 to 20 ue
10 pp. Shot
fron Shot 3


number-median diameters of samples collected ranged fron
Up to forty-three per cent of these particles were under
1 particles appeared to be coral or crystalline; those
appeared to be mostly crystalline, ashlike, or fused.

In particles from 149 to 1000 pn, the percentages of particles

with activity on the cutside generally increased directly with size,
while the percentage of uniformly radioactive particles generally
Gecreased with size. These two types of particles accounted for
about 9O per cent of the radioactive particles examined. Activity
was scattered randomly throughout the remaining 10 per cent of

Ther: was no apparent correlation between the lccation of
activity on the particles and their physical appearance.
No conclusions could be drawn about the presence or absence of
redioactivity in the base surge,because no samples were obtained in
the base~surge region.

Select target paragraph3