centration in the solid phase was found by dissolving the solid in

mitric acid (to mke a sample with uniform activity for counting) and
proceeding as abovee

The activity corrections discussed in Section

322 were applied and the results, expressed in d/min/gm or d/min/ml,

were corrected to 15 min after shot time by methods similar to those
discussed in Section 3.3.1.
The Shot 1 fallout as collected was not sufficient to enable a
study to be made of the activity concentration as a function of time

after the shot. However, enough sample was obtained from a few collectors to determine the activity concentrations over the entire tire

The results, presented in Table 3.7, indicate that the con-

centration of activity per unit weight of the solid material was of
the sam order of magnitude for all samples and indspendent of time and

distance within the area sampled. A slightly smaller concentration is
indicated for particles collected during the first two hours than for

those collected during the l2<hr period after the shote The concentration of activity in the liquid is much less than that of the solid.
It should be pointed out that not much data are available and categorical conclusions should not be made.
Liquid fallout samples were collected in the 30-min collector
at How after Shot 4. The liquid exhibited considerable activity. The
beta concentration as a function of time rag determined 4 days after
Shot 4 at the Project 2.6b laboratory at Elmer. The resulte are shown
in Table 3.8 Absorption and backscattering corrections were not

determined, hence the activity concentration is expressed in c/min/ml.

The table indicates that the beta concentration increased gradually up

to 9 hr after Shot 4 and then dropped of sharply.

Activity concentrations in the remaining samples of collected

liquid fallout were too low to be significant. The volume of liquid
collected for all samples is listed in Appendix D. Activity concen~
trations of a Shot 1 size=-graded solid sample are shown in Table 3.15.
TABLE 3.7 ~ Activity Concentrations of Shot 1 Fallout




ime of


Raft 250.12

Raft 250.12



Oto Dir] ttt “| 7.10?
0 to 12 hr
0 to 12 hr

0 to 12 hr









0679x107 d/min/ml

Select target paragraph3