
Fallout at Elmer

Sacondary fallout was detected by beta laboratory background

counters at Elmer at about 24 hr after Shot 1; 11 to 16 hr and 45 to
100 hr after Shot 23; 4 to 6 hr after Shot 4; and 12 to 14 hr after
Shot 6. The activities found were generally not over 50 times back~

ground and were not high enough to constitute a real hazard to personnele



The Rad Safe Gamma ground readings (Appendix C) measured

shortly after each sot and which were apparently representative

ground readings were corrected back to one hour after each, shot, the
time by which the peak of significant activity had been reached. This
time was estimated from the time of arrival results obtained from the
intermittent fallout collector. The correction is made by the expression

a, ® a4





A2 is the observed activity at time, t>

A, is the activity calculated at time, t;

The exponem 1.2 is an approximation.

In the absence of the

actual exponent associated with the gamma decay its use lies within
the accuracy associated with the actual ground readings obtained and

the relatively short period of time involved in the extrapolation.
The survey readings resulting from contamination from previous shots
were subtracted as background in determining the level of activity

associated with a subsequent detonation. These dose rates are shown
in Figse 318 to 3.22. Segments of isodose rate lines have been

drawn as solid lines where island dose rate readings, together with

wind vector data, make mch approximations reasonable.

Where no data

was available, the isodose rate lines are shown as dashed lines.

Infinite gamma dosages, based on Rad Safe ground readings,

were algo calculateds they indicate the hazard associated with permanent occupation of an area with the same degree of contamination.
These values are underlined in Figse 3018 to 3.22.


The total beta activity per unit weight or volume associated
with a sample composed of mixed nuclides is defined as the activity

It refers to the

plus the low energy gana

activity detected by the beta counting equipment.

As used here, the

activity concentration can be thougnt of as being similar to what is
usually referred to as the "specific activity” of a particular isotope
ina sample.

The activity concentration of the liquid phase collected in
the 8~oz jars was deternined by counting an aliquot portion of the
filtrate after it had been evaporated to dryness.


The activity con-

Select target paragraph3