source should be very small because of the inherent low energy of
these secondary particles and the short half-life of most of the
isotopes concerned with these processes.



The activities Ag were extrapolated to the sampling time of each

intermittent fallout collector tray. The method of extrapolation was
determined by the amount of decay data obtained from each shot and
varied for each shot.
In germeral, the activity consisted of fission activity decay
and the decay from uranium capture products.

The fission products

decayed in a manner which can be represented as;
Ap =


Ayt n


Ayp= Activity when t = 1


f =

Activity at later tim
Time after shot
Decay Exponent

The uranium neutron capture products activity decay can be represented
best as a sum of individual nuclides which can be determined by radio=
chemical analysis. The form of the equation would be;
Ay = bool > Cye¥it)



A, = Activity due to capture products at
time t
Aeo= Proportionality constant such that

Ago EC = Aoe


Ace is the zero time activity of the
uranium neutron capture activities

Czy = relative initial activity of nuclide
uj = semi-log decay constant of ith nuclide
The ratio of yield of the various uranium neutron capture nuclides can
be expected not to vary from sample to sample. This is because they
are all uranium isotopes during the time of fallout formation. These

ratios (which determine the C,'s) may be found from capture to fission
ratios determined by radiochemical meanse
The relative amount of the uranium neutron capture activity with
respect to the fission activity varies from sample to sample. The
values for Ay¢ and n of Eqe 3.4 were found from the decay curve after
2000 hours when the neutron capture activity no longer contributed
significantly to the sample activity. The difference between this

activity (Eqe 3-4) and the experimentally determined activity at times
earlier than 2000 hours was used as a~measure of uranium capture


From this the value of Agy (in Eq. 305) could be determined.

This difference was measured at the earliest possible time when the
difference was greatest.


Select target paragraph3