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continue to stand by such offers as that. Eut in every place we will review
the whole situation and say, ''Here is what we stand ready to do.”
C. Robert Spivack, New York Post. Mr. President, in appraising the
short session of Congress, how much responsibility do you think the
Southern Democrats and conservative Republicans, the coalition, must
bear for not getting through the domestic, social welfare legislation you
spoke oi?
Ti PRECIDENT: Well, it turns out, Mr. Spivack, that this contest now,

in which everybody is so interested, and in the conte::t of which all of this
record of the Congress is viewed, is between Cemocrats and Republicans.
So, there is where I would leave the Congress.

Roberts, Newsweek.

Gir, in the statements mace by the two NSA

defectors in idoscow, they indicated that they hac made their unhappiness

here -- made toa wiember of Congress, and there was an indication that
the State Department was informed that they were unhappy and contempl
ing defection.
I wonder if any reports coming to you show that there was evidence anywhere in the government that these men were under surveillance or were
suspected of defecting prior to the time they left?

am concerned.


This is a new statement in the thing, so far as I

And I would say this:

mace quite a staternent on it.

The Tefense Department has already

Cne of these men, I believe, was investigated

by the -- originally -- by the Navy, the other by the Army; and I think those
two Services could give you more detailed information on this matter than I
know nothing about this, as a specific charge.


*. (Arrowsmith, Associated Press),

Thank you, ivir, President.

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