#191 -9

Next, they had a two-to-one majority.
time, and they did very little indeed.

They were in session for a long

I think the record was disappointing and certainly it was disappointing to
me, but that isn't important. I think that it should be disappointing to the
United States,

Within any little bit of give and take which, after all, is necessary in the

legislative process, we could certainly have had a reasonable raise in the
tainimum wage. The Administration had asked for it. We could have had
some schoolrooms constructed, and which would have been the kind of

thing that I think the Federal government could well help out. And we could
have had other things like that done with a little bit of give and take.
Now I am not going to start castigating people for motives or anything else.
Iam merely relating the facts which I think are such as to cause some
disappointment, if not dismay, throughout the American Nation.
©, Mikhail Sagetlyan, Tass Telegraph Agency,
news conferences --

Sir, at several recent

THE PRESIDENT: Will you speak louder ?

“~, (Sagetlyan). At several recent news conferences you repeated, repeatedly stated that the United States and you personally are ready to
do everything which may appear necessary for strengthening peace with
justice, and mainly for progress in the field of world disarmainent, Would

you, sir, tell us what new steps for obtaining the above-mentioned aims the
United States and you personally are going to make during the coming session oi the General Assembly in which a certain number of heads of pov-~
ernments will participate ?


PPESIGENT: Weli, I don't know whether you can say that there is

anything new.

There will be renewed effort made, there will be renewed

effort to place the whole record of America in this field before the world
again, to show where are the areas where we want to negotiate, conces-



sions we are ready to make, the kind of agreements we are ready to make,

proviced only that every agreement has with it the kind of control and inSpection that can make each side confident that both are acting in good
faith. Ii that is the sole reservation we make in these negotiations, and
I think it will be, of course, re-emphasized,

Now as far as any new proposal, I believe there have been one or two made
in the United Nations again about a good many tons of U-235, and so on,
ready to -~ (Conferring with Mr. Hagerty) -- I think made by sir. Lodge -made this before the United Nations just in a matter of a month. We will

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