Tecthel dose studies have bern done on

the same strein of vnigt at N.R. DO. TG. with
lOGuU kev.

x-rey> und2=r conditions desizned to

Simulate those at the test site.

A walk-in

refrigerstor has been revamned to arnroxim.te
the temperature,

infra-red light conditions,

mean humidity end minimum eir flow at strtions.
Animes ere given 4 5 hour rides before and
after irradietion in closed trucks to meke
exnosure conditions ss near as nossible to
those in the field.

Jog exveriments of a

comm rble nature will. be completed soon.


nortr lity studies will be done et test site.
Hictoltozicr 1 otudies:

Thirty-two dogs will

be exnosed to 2 36 dry B.D. 10S (ascrovinetely
550 gamma roentgens).

They will be sacrificed

on a rendom basis two uta tine.

The times of

Sacrifice heve not becn decid d definitely oni

will denend unon the outcome of curvent studies
at the N.R.7.

Ut is nrobable thet three

gsrouvs will be sacrificed during the first
24 houre end then one

cair er dey thereafter.

Commander Tullis will be vroject officer in
chr rge of these studies on pigs, while

Dr. Arthur J. @eaton (Navy) will conduct the
Studies on the dogs.

(Col. De Coursey will

not nerticinete in this wor.)

As fercs 1

con tell from t-lking to the nathologist¢ at
Rocnester this date alone should z1ive
informstion wrereby the ecuivelent doze of
19090 %.v.


50 roentgens.

can be determined to within

“hese cnimels wil™ slso be used


Select target paragraph3