two instances in which there has been 9 -]?- minor deviation from the crogream's basic ohilosovhy of conducting only well understo>d and easily interpretable exneriments. The significance of the mouse inhalation date will not be clear, but the Air Torces have becn extremely eager to obtain this which elthough voor, infornetion they feel is better then none. Large <nimal studies: Figs end dogs (foxhounds) will be used. There is some concem about whether the pigs wilt be am.11 enough to fit some of the conté iners 2S an error was made in the time of breeding. This together with the slight d-lay in the shot time has caused anxiety particulerly on the vart of TFearse's groun as to whether the snimels will not be too large at shot time. in charge of the snima’ts is The veterinaricn confident that he can hold down the weight of these animels to 70 ner cent of thet formerly exvected without interfering with the health or nutrition of the animes. te Roy i goinz to send word to Pearce a3 soon as he errives and looks over the situation. 1. Tonizins Radiation: a. Mortality versus distance: There will be 3 stations each containing 10 dogs and 10 nis. pleced at 75 roentgen intervels covering en exrected ronge of SO to 700 r of gamna radietion. io testing of xs ny sort will be done on these animes. ALL deeths will be autonsied. Kodachrone filme vill be teken of netholozicel snecimens and some of the gros* organs vill be embedded in plastic «nd seved for tec chin.) murnot>”. DOS ARCHIVES